Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Are Tattoos Art?

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First art is partially defined as a skilled workmanship. So anyone who says tattoos are just a skill, ok! They are! Which in turn makes them an art!
Someone else said that it's not their art... their body is a gallery...
When I got my first tattoo I was so excited that I was getting a piece of art on my body! What a great expression of art!
This conversation peeks my interest because I am currently working with three BenRini artists that are tattoo artists as well as their art medium of paint or drawing. We are working to change the perspective of tattoos from a trade, to a fine art as many people already do.
If you think about art mediums what are some of the first that come to mind? Painting, Drawing, Sculpting...yes and then Photography, Multimedia, Mixed Media.... Of these mediums the later three have only been considered an art in over the last 100 years or less! What would you tell a photographer now? Your work is a trade... you cannot create ART from that! NO! You wouldn't say that now because we all know that you certainly can!
From that perspective, those who disagree that tattoos are a fine art should reconsider their opinion.
Thank you!

Angela Saurini
Co-Owner of BenRini Art

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